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Article summary:

1. System breaches can have devastating impacts, such as the recent U.S. Office of Personnel Management breach and the cases of Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, and William Sullivan.

2. Preventative security will never be perfect, so proactively monitoring for relevant actions in a timely fashion is essential.

3. This article proposes a distributed approach to audit log anomaly detection to help detect malicious activity before it causes damage.

Article analysis:

The article is generally trustworthy and reliable in its presentation of the need for proactive monitoring of systems for malicious activity before it causes damage. The article provides evidence from real-world examples to support its claims, such as the U.S. Office of Personnel Management breach and the cases of Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, and William Sullivan. It also presents a proposed solution - a distributed approach to audit log anomaly detection - which could be beneficial in helping to detect malicious activity before it causes damage.

The article does not appear to have any biases or one-sided reporting; however, there are some missing points of consideration that should be addressed when discussing this topic further. For example, the article does not discuss potential risks associated with using this type of system or how it might affect user privacy or data security policies. Additionally, while the proposed solution may be beneficial in detecting malicious activity before it causes damage, there is no discussion about how effective this system would actually be in practice or what other solutions might exist that could provide similar benefits without introducing additional risks or costs.

In conclusion, while this article provides an interesting proposal for a distributed approach to audit log anomaly detection that could potentially help detect malicious activity before it causes damage, more research needs to be done on potential risks associated with using this type of system and how effective it would actually be in practice compared to other solutions available on the market today.