1. As consumers, boycotting Russian goods can be a form of soft power to pressure the regime in Russia to end the war in Ukraine.
2. It is difficult for consumers to know where products come from and who owns them, making it hard to make an informed decision when boycotting.
3. Boycotting countries is not an effective political strategy for change, as individual consumers cannot influence the Russian state by not buying their goods.
The article provides a comprehensive overview of the potential impact of boycotting Russian goods on the conflict in Ukraine. The author cites experts such as Dannie Kjeldgaard and Vagn Jelsøe, providing evidence for their claims and giving credibility to their arguments. The article also mentions several companies that have either boycotted or continued trading with Russia, which adds further depth to the discussion.
However, there are some points that could be improved upon in terms of trustworthiness and reliability. For example, while the article does mention some companies that have boycotted Russian goods, it does not provide any information about other companies that may have chosen not to do so or why they made this decision. Additionally, while the article does mention some potential risks associated with boycotting Russian goods (such as difficulty finding out where products come from), it does not explore these risks in detail or provide any solutions for how these risks can be mitigated. Furthermore, while the article does present both sides of the argument (for and against boycotting), it could do more to present both sides equally by exploring counterarguments more thoroughly and providing more evidence for each side's claims.