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Article summary:

1. Practical Design and Application of Model Predictive Control is a self-learning resource on how to design, tune and deploy an MPC using MATLAB® and Simulink®.

2. The book provides step-by-step solutions to nonlinear and challenging problems, such as ship heading and speed control, photovoltaic optimal control, and energy management of power-split and air-handling control.

3. The MATLAB® and Simulink® codes for the solutions are available for free download, and readers can connect with the authors through the dedicated website which includes additional free resources at www.practicalmpc.com.

Article analysis:

作为一本介绍如何使用MATLAB®和Simulink®设计、调整和部署MPC的自学资源,《Practical Design and Application of Model Predictive Control》提供了丰富的实例,包括双质量弹簧系统、船舶航向和速度控制、光伏最优控制以及功率分裂和空气处理控制的能源管理等。该书还介绍了如何将设计好的MPC控制器嵌入Arduino®等实时平台中。然而,该书存在以下问题:

1. 偏袒MATLAB®和Simulink®


2. 缺乏对风险的关注


3. 片面报道


4. 缺失考虑点


5. 宣传内容


总之,《Practical Design and Application of Model Predictive Control》提供了一些有价值的信息和实例,但也存在上述问题。因此,在阅读本书时需要保持批判思维,并结合其他资源进行学习。