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Article summary:

1. Focus on writing what feels real by drawing directly from reality to create a story that readers can easily connect with.

2. Cut elements that seem farfetched in your plot to maintain a sense of cohesion and believability in your fiction.

3. Make your character's world unforgettable by portraying even the most mundane aspects in a way that makes them extraordinary, and don't overlook your character's flaws as they add depth and relatability.

Article analysis:

The article "How to Make Your Fiction Read Like Reality" by Anisa Nasir provides some valuable tips for writers looking to create immersive and realistic fiction. The author emphasizes the importance of writing what feels real, cutting elements that seem farfetched, making the character's world unforgettable, focusing on character flaws, and not striving for perfection in writing. These are all valid points that can help writers improve their craft and engage readers more effectively.

However, there are some potential biases and shortcomings in the article that should be addressed. One bias is the assumption that all readers want fiction to read like reality. While realism can certainly enhance a story, some readers may prefer more fantastical or escapist elements in their fiction. The article could benefit from acknowledging this diversity in reader preferences and discussing how different approaches to storytelling can be effective.

Additionally, the article could provide more concrete examples or case studies to support its claims about how to make fiction feel real. For instance, it would be helpful to see excerpts from well-known novels that successfully achieve this goal, along with an analysis of what techniques the authors used to create a sense of realism.

Furthermore, the article does not explore potential counterarguments or challenges that writers may face when trying to make their fiction read like reality. For example, maintaining a balance between realism and creativity can be difficult, and writers may struggle with finding the right tone or level of detail in their descriptions.

Overall, while the article offers some useful advice for writers seeking to improve their storytelling skills, it could benefit from addressing potential biases, providing more evidence for its claims, exploring counterarguments, and offering a more nuanced discussion of the challenges involved in creating realistic fiction.