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Article summary:

1. Fundamentals of Supply Chain Theory is a book written by Snyder and Shen.

2. The book is available for download on Sci-Hub with the DOI 10.1002/9781119584445.

3. It was downloaded on 2019-12-19.

Article analysis:

The article provides reliable information about the availability of Fundamentals of Supply Chain Theory, a book written by Snyder and Shen, for download on Sci-Hub with the DOI 10.1002/9781119584445, and that it was downloaded on 2019-12-19. The article does not provide any other information about the book or its contents, so there is no way to assess its trustworthiness or reliability in terms of its content or accuracy. Additionally, since the article does not provide any information about the authors or their credentials, it is impossible to assess their expertise in this field or whether they have any potential biases that could affect their work. Furthermore, since the article does not provide any evidence for the claims made in the book, it is impossible to determine whether these claims are supported by research or if they are simply opinions without any basis in fact. Finally, since there is no discussion of possible risks associated with downloading books from Sci-Hub, readers should be aware that there may be legal implications for doing so depending on their jurisdiction.