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Article summary:

1. Parliament in Jonglei State has resumed sittings after a long break that started in October 2022.

2. The opposition SPLM-IO caucus threatened to boycott sittings over the firing of the assembly speaker Amer Alier Ateny, a leading member of SPLM-IO led by First Vice President Riek Machar.

3. Lawmakers have promised to prioritize service delivery and cooperate with the executive and legislature to handle insecurity in the state.

Article analysis:

The article reports on the resumption of parliament in Jonglei State after a long break, with lawmakers promising to prioritize service delivery. However, the article lacks depth and context, leaving readers with unanswered questions and potential biases.

Firstly, the article fails to provide sufficient background information on the political situation in Jonglei State. It briefly mentions the firing and reinstatement of the assembly speaker without clear reasons but does not explore why this happened or what impact it had on the state's governance. This lack of context makes it difficult for readers to fully understand the significance of parliament's resumption.

Secondly, the article only presents quotes from lawmakers who express their commitment to service delivery and cooperation. While these are positive sentiments, they do not provide any concrete plans or actions that will be taken to address issues such as insecurity in the state. The article also does not include any perspectives from opposition parties or civil society groups, which could provide a more balanced view of the situation.

Thirdly, there is no evidence provided for some of the claims made in the article. For example, it states that "my people are suffering; they need services from the government," but there is no data or examples given to support this claim. Similarly, it reports that at least 15 people were killed in one day due to insecurity but does not provide any details on when or where this happened.

Overall, while the article provides some basic information on parliament's resumption in Jonglei State, it lacks depth and context and may have potential biases towards presenting a positive view of lawmakers' commitments without exploring potential challenges or criticisms.